2011.2.24 陈湘宁副教授(美国弗吉尼亚联邦大学)学术报告


报告题目:Genetics of Complex Disease: A Case Study of Schizophrenia
报告人:    Xiangning Chen, PhD
                 Associate Professor
                 Department of Psychiatry,Virginia Commonwealth University
时  间:    2011年2月24日(星期四)下午4点
地  点:    医学院综合楼205报告厅
Brief Introduction of Speaker: 

I.  Education
•1982, B.A. Agronomy, Guangxi Agricultural Institute, Guangxi, China.
•1986, M.S. Genetics, Genetics Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
•1994, Ph.D. Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA.
Research Interest  
1. Psychiatric genetics, genetics studies of schizophrenia, nicotine dependence, anxiety and depression;
2. Genomics and SNP technology development, high throughput screen.    

II. Position and Honor
•May 1994-June 1997. Post doctoral fellow, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri. High throughput genotyping technologies developing, automated DNA sequencing and analysis.
•April 1996-March 1998. National research services award (NRSA) from National Institute of Health (1-F32-HG00156-01), SNP genotyping technology development.
•July 1997-June 1999. Research Instructor, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri. SNP markers discovery and high throughput genotyping technologies development.
•July 1999-July 2000. Scientist, project leader, Cereon Genomics, LLC, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Development of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers for Arabidopsis and Maize, and implementation of large scale, high throughput genotyping technologies for genetic mapping and positional cloning of QTL gene.
•July 2000-Feb. 2001. Senior Scientist, project leader, CuraGen Corporation, New Haven, Connecticut. Development of SNP genotyping technologies that use capillary DNA sequencers.
•Feb. 2001-June 2008. Assistant professor, Virginia Institute for Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics, and Department of Psychiatry, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia. Genomics and genotyping technology development, high throughput genotyping for complex traits and candidate genes. Linkage and association studies of schizophrenia, nicotine dependence and anxiety.
•May 2002-April 2004. Young Investigator Award. NARSAD.
•July 2008-present. Associate professor, Virginia Institute for Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia. Genetic studies of schizophrenia, nicotine dependence, anxiety and depression.
•Nov 2008-Oct 2010. Independent Investigator Award. NARSAD.

III. Publication
1. X Chen and WR. Widger. 1993. Physical genome map of the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7002. J. Bacteriol. 175: 5106-5116.
2. X Chen and P-Y Kwok. 1997. Template-directed dye-terminator incorporation (TDI) assay: a homogeneous DNA diagnostic method based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Nucleic Acids Res. 25: 347-353.
3. X Chen, B Zehnbauer, A Gnirke and P-Y Kwok.1997. Fluorescence energy transfer detection as a homogeneous DNA diagnostic method. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 94:10756-10761.
4. P-Y Kwok and X Chen. 1998. Detection of single nucleotide variations. In Genetic Engineering: Principles and methods.  Ed. Setlow, J. K.  Plenum Press New York. 20: 125-134.
5. X Chen, KJ Livak and P-Y Kwok. 1998. A homogeneous, ligase-mediated DNA diagnostic test. Genome Res. 8: 549-556.
6. X Chen and P-Y Kwok. 1999. Homogeneous Genotyping Assays for Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms with Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Detection. Genetic Analysis (Biomolecular Engineering). 14:157-163.
7. X Chen, L Levine and P-Y Kwok. 1999. Fluorescence polarization in homogeneous nucleic acid analysis. Genome Res. 9: 492-498.
8. TM Hsu, X Chen, S. Duan, RD Miller and P-Y Kwok. 2001. Universal SNP genotyping assay with fluorescence polarization detection. BioTechniques 31: 560-570.
9. EJ van den Oord, Y Jiang, BP Riley, KS Kendler and X Chen. 2003. FP-TDI SNP scoring by manual and statistical procedures: A study of error rates and types. BioTechniques, 34:610-623.
10. X Chen. 2003. Fluorescence polarization for single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping. Comb Chem & High Throughput Screening. 6:213-223.
11. X Chen and PF Sullivan. 2003. Single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping: Biochemistry, protocol, cost and throughput. Pharmacogenomics J, 3:77-96.
12. P-Y Kwok and X Chen. 2003. Detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms. Curr Issues Mol Biol. 5:43-60.
13. X Chen, B. Wu and K.S. Kendler. 2004. Association study of the Epac gene and tobacco smoking and nicotine dependence. Am J Med Genet. 129B: 116-119.
14. Y Chen and X Chen. 2004. A multiplexing SNP typing method based on restriction enzyme mediated single base extension (REM-SBE) and capillary electrophoresis. Analytical Biochem, 329: 220-229.
15. X Chen, X Wang, AF O’neill, D Walsh and KS Kendler. 2004. Variants in the chatecol-o-methyltransferase (COMT) gene are associated with schizophrenia in Irish high density families. Mol Psychiatry. 9:962-967.
16. X Chen, C Dunham, S Kendler, X Wang, AF Oneill, D Walsh and KS Kendler. 2004. The regulator of G-protein signaling 4 (RGS4) gene is associated with schizophrenia in Irish high density families. Am J Med Genet. 129B:23-26.
17. L Zhang, KS Kendler and X Chen. 2006. Association of the phosphatase and tensin homolg gene (PTEN) with smoking initiation and Nicotine dependence. Am J Med Genet. 141(1):10-14.
18. ME Talkowski, H Seltman, AS Bassett, LM Brzustowicz, X Chen, KV Chowdari, DA Collier, Q Cordeiro, AP Corvin, SN Deshpande, MF Egan, M Gill, KS Kendler, G Kirov, LL Heston, P Levitt, Lewis DA, Li T, Mirnics K, Morris DW, Norton N, O'Donovan MC, Owen MJ, Richard C, Semwal P, JL Sobell, D St Clair, RE Straub, BK Thelma, H Vallada, DR Weinberger, NM Williams, J Wood, F Zhang, B Devlin and VL Nimgaonkar. 2006. Evaluation of a susceptibility gene for schizophrenia: Genotype based meta-analyses of RGS4 polymorphisms from thirteen independent samples.  Biol Psychiatry. 60:153-162.
19. JM Hettema, SS An, MC Neale, J Bukszar, EJ van den Oord, KS Kendler and X Chen. 2006. Association between glutamic acid decarboxylase genes and anxiety disorders, major depression, and neuroticism. Mol Psych, 11:752-762.
20. L Zhang, KS Kendler and X Chen. 2006. The mu-opioid receptor gene and smoking initiation and nicotine dependence. Behav Brain Funct. 2:28.
21. AH Fanous, X Chen, X Wang, RL Amdur, FA O'neill , D Walsh and KS Kendler. 2007. Association between the 5q31.1 gene neurogenin1 and schizophrenia. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 144B:207-14.
22. JL McClay, A Fanous, EJ van den Oord, BT Webb, D Walsh, FA O'neill, KS Kendler and X Chen. 2007. Catechol-O-methyltransferase and the clinical features of psychosis.
Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 141B:935-8.
23. X Chen, X Wang, S Hossain, FA O'neill, D Walsh, L Pless, KV Chowdari, VL Nimgaonkar, SG Schwab, DB Wildenauer, PF Sullivan, EJ van den Oord and KS Kendler. 2006. Haplotypes spanning SPEC2, PDZ-G EF2 and ACSL6 genes are associated with schizophrenia. Hum Mol Genet. Hum Mel Genet. 15:3329.
24. X Chen, X Wang, S Hossain, FA O'neill, D Walsh, EJ van den Oord, A Fanous and KS Kendler. 2007. Interleukin 3 and schizophrenia: The impact of sex and family history. Mol Psychiatry. 12:273-82.
25. X Chen, Y Che, L Zhang, A Putman, I Damaj, B Martin,  KS Kendler and  MF Miles. 2007. RHOA, encoding a Rho GTPase, is associated with smoking initiation. Genes Brain Behav. 6:689-97.
26. Q Chen, X Wang, FA O'neill, D Walsh, A Fanous, KS Kendler and X Chen. 2008.  Association study of CSF2RB with schizophrenia in Irish family and case control samples. Mol Psychiatry. 13:930-938.
27. S Shifman, A Bhomra, S Smiley, NR Wray, MR James, NG Martin, JM Hettema, SS An, Neale MC, EJ van den Oord, KS Kendler, X Chen, DI Boomsma, CM. Middeldorp, JJ Hottenga, PE Slagboom and J Flint. 2008. A whole genome association study of neuroticism using DNA pooling. Mol Psychiatry. 13:302-312.
28. JM Hettema, SS An, EJ van den Oord, MC Neale, KS Kendler and X Chen. 2008. Association study between the serotonin 1A receptor (HTR1A) gene and neuroticism, major depression, and anxiety disorders. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 147B:661-6.
29. X Chen and KS Kendler. 2008. Interleukin 3 and schizophrenia. Am J Psychiatry. 165:13-4.
30. X Chen, X Wang, Q Chen, V Williamson, E van den Oord, BS Maher, FA O'Neill, D Walsh and KS Kendler. 2008. MEGF10 association with schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry. 63:441-8.
31. S Shifman, M Johannesson, M Bronstein, X Chen, DA Collier, NJ Craddock, KS Kendler, T Li, M O'Donovan, FA O'Neill, MJ Owen, D Walsh, DR Weinberger, C Sun, J Flint and A Darvasi. 2008. Genome-Wide Association Identifies a Common Variant in the Reelin Gene That Increases the Risk of Schizophrenia Only in Women. PLoS Genet. 4:e28.
32. JM Hettema, SS An, MC Neale, EJ van den Oord, KS Kendler, and X Chen. Lack of association between the amiloride-sensitive cation channel 2 (ACCN2) gene and anxiety spectrum disorders. Psychiatr Genet. 2008, 18:73-9.
33. X Chen, VS Williams, SS An, JM Hettema, SH Aggen, MC Neale and KS Kendler. 2008. The cannabinoid receptor 1 (CNR1) gene association with nicotine dependence. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 65:816-24. NIHMSID 140468.
34. X Chen, X Wang, C Sun, Q Chen, FA O’Neill, D Walsh, AH Fanous and KS Kendler. 2008. FBXL21 association with schizophrenia in Irish family and case control samples. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 147B:1231-7.
35. JM Hettema, SS An, J Bukszar, EJ van den Oord, MC Neale, KS Kendler and X Chen. 2008. COMT Contributes to Genetic Susceptibility Shared Among Anxiety Spectrum Phenotypes. Biol Psychiatry. 64:302-10.
36. AH Fanous, X Chen, X Wang, R Amdur, FA O'Neill, D Walsh, KS Kendler. 2009. Genetic variation in the serotonin 2A receptor and suicidal ideation in a sample of 270 Irish high-density schizophrenia families. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 150B(3):411-7.
37. Q Chen, X Wang, FA O’Neill, D Walsh, KS Kendler and X Chen. 2008. Is the Histidine Triad Nucleotide-binding Protein 1 (HINT1) Gene a Candidate for Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia Res. 106:200-7. NIHMSID 82077.
38. TL Edwards, X Wang, Q Chen, B Wormly, B Riley, FA O’Neill, D Walsh, MD Ritchie, KS Kendler, and X Chen. 2008. Interaction between Interleukin 3 and Dystrobrevin-Binding Protein 1 in Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Res. 106:208-17.
39. PH Kuo, G Kalsi, PA Prescott, CA Hodgkinson, D Goldman, J Alexander, EJ van den Oord, X Chen, PF Sullivan, DG Patterson, D Walsh, KS Kendler and BP Riley. 2009. Associations of glutamate decarboxylase genes with initial sensitivity and age-at-onset of alcohol dependence in the Irish Affected Sib Pair Study of Alcohol Dependence. Drug Alcohol Depend. 101(1-2):80-7.
40. X Chen, J Chen, VS Williamson, S-S An, JM Hettema, SH Aggen, MC Neale and KS Kendler. 2009.  Variants in Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors α5 and α3 Increase Risks to Nicotine Dependence. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 150B(7):926-33. NIHMSID 140553.
41. JM Hettema, S-S An, EJCG van den Oord, MC Neale, KS Kendler and X Chen. 2009. Association Study of CREB1 with Major Depressive Disorder and Related Phenotypes. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet.  150B(8):1128-32.
42. JM Hettema, EJ van den Oord, SS An, KS Kendler, X Chen. 2009. Follow-up association study of novel neuroticism gene MAMDC1.Psychiatr Genet. 19(4):213-4.
43. J Sun, P Jia, AH Fanous, BT Webb, EJ van den Oord, X Chen, J Bukszar, KS Kendler, Z Zhao. 2009. A multi-dimensional evidence-based candidate gene prioritization approach for complex diseases - schizophrenia as a case. Bioinformatics. 25(19):2595-6602.
44. X Chen, C Sun, Q Chen, FA O’Neill, D Walsh, AH Fanous, KV Chowdari,  VL Nimgaonkar,  A Scott, SG Schwab, DB Wildenauer, R Che, W Tang, Y Shi, L He, X Luo, B Su,TL Edwards Z Zhao and KS Kendler. 2009. Apoptotic Engulfment Pathway and Schizophrenia. Plos One. 4(9):e6875.
45. Q Chen, R Che, X Wang, FA O'Neill, D Walsh, W Tang, Y Shi, L He, KS Kendler, X Chen. 2009. Association and expression study of synapsin III and schizophrenia. Neurosci Lett. In press.
46. X Pham, C Sun, X Chen, EJ van den Oord, MC Neale, KS Kendler and JM Hettema. 2009. Association study between GABA receptor genes and anxiety spectrum disorders. Depress Anxiety. 26(11):998-1003.
47. CM Middeldorp, JM Vink, JM Hettema, EJ de Geus, KS Kendler, G Willemsen, MC Neale, DI Boomsma, X Chen. 2010. An association between Epac-1 gene variants and anxiety and depression in two independent samples. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 153B:214-219.
48. KJ Jackson, Chen Q, Chen J, Aggen SH, Kendler KS, Chen X. 2010 Association of histidine-triad nucleotide binding protein 1 (HINT1) gene variants with nicotine dependence. Pharmacogenomics  In press.
49. KJ. Jackson, MJ. Marks, RE. Vann, X Chen, TF. Gamage, JA. Warner, MI. Damaj. 2010. The role of alpha5 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the pharmacological and behavioral effects of nicotine in mice. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. in press.
50. NL. Saccone, RC. Culverhouse, T-H Schwantes-An, DS. Cannon, X Chen, Sven Cichon et al: 2010. Multiple independent loci at chromosome 15q25.1 affect smoking quantity: a meta-analysis and comparison with lung cancer and COPD. PloS Genetics, 6:e1001053.
51. J Sun, P Jia, AH Fanous, EJCG Van den Oord, X Chen, B Riley, RL Amdur, KS Kendler, Z Zhao. 2010. Schizophrenia Gene Networks and Pathways and Their Applications for Novel Candidate Gene Selection. PloS One. 5:e11351.
52. X Chen, G Lee, BS Maher, AH Fanous, J Chen, Z Zhao et al: 2010. GWA study data mining and independent replication identify cardiomyopathy-associated 5 (CMYA5) as a risk gene for schizophrenia. Mol Psychiatry, in press. 
