2011.7.7 Xiaoli Chen副教授(美国明尼苏达大学)学术报告


报告题目: Lipocalin 2: a Novel Adipokine in Energy Metabolism 
报告人:   Xiaoli Chen, M.D., Ph.D.
                Associate Professor 
                General Mills Chair in Genomics for Healthful Foods Department of Food Science and Nutrition 
                University of Minnesota 
主持人:  夏大静  教授
时    间: 2011年7月7日(星期四)下午2点 
地    点: 医学院综合楼205报告厅 

Brief Introduction of Speaker

Xiaoli Chen M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor and General Mills Chair in Genomics for Healthful Foods
Department of Food Science and Nutrition
265 FscN
Molecular Nutrition & Genomics Laboratory


Her lab research interests focus on understanding the molecular and cellular mechanism of the development and prevention of nutrition-related chronic diseases - obesity and diabetes.  She is primarily interested in two areas: 1) the role of adipose tissue dysfunction in lipid homeostasis and obesity-linked insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, and 2) the molecular mechanisms by which dietary composition affects energy metabolism and obesity.  She conducts studies on both cell and animal models of obesity and diabetes using the tools of molecular biology, proteomics, and genomics.

Selected Papers 

1. Jin D, Guo H, Zhang Y, Hannaford J, and Chen X.  Lipocalin 2 is a selective modulator of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma activation and function in adipogenesis and energy expenditure.  FASEB J. 2011; 25(2):754-764.

2. Guo H, Jin D, Zhang Y, Wright W, Bazuine M, Brockman DA, Bernlohr DA, and Chen X.  Lipocalin 2 deficiency impairs thermogenesis and potentiates diet-induced insulin resistance in mice.  Diabetes 2010; 59(6):1376-1385.

3. Wu Y, Sun H, Mejia W, Novosyadlyy R, Nunez N, Chen X, Mendoza A, Hong S, Khanna C, Brodt P, Yakar S.  IGF-1 regulates the liver microenvironment in obese mice and promotes liver metastasis.  Cancer Res 2010; 70(1):57-67.

4. Ding L, Jin D, and Chen X.  Luteolin enhances insulin sensitivity via activation of PPARgamma transcriptional activity in adipocytes.  J Nutr Biochem 2010; 21(10):941-947.

5. Chen X, Hunt D, Cushman SW, and Hess S.  Proteomic characterization of thiazolidindione regulation of obese adipose secretome in Zucker obese rats.  Proteomics Clin Appl 2009; 3(9):1099-1111.

6. Zhang J, Wu Y, Zhang Y, Leroith D, Bernlohr DA, Chen X.  The role of lipocalin 2 in the regulation of inflammation in adipocytes and macrophages.  Mol Endocrinol 2008; 22(6):1416-1426.

7. Chen X. and Hess, S. Adipose Proteome Analysis:  Focus on Mediators of Insulin Resistance. Expert Review of Proteomics. 2008; 5(6):827-39. (Invited Review).
