2011.7.25 Peter ten Dijke教授(荷兰莱顿医学中心)学术报告


报告题目: Regulation of TGF-beta signaling in breast cancer and angiogenesis  

报告人:   Peter ten Dijke, Ph.D.

                 Full Professor, Head, Section Aging and Signal Transduction
                 Molecular Cell Biology, Leiden University Medical Center
主持人: 冯新华  教授

时  间:    2011725日(星期一)下午2
地  点:    医学院科研楼A208报告厅

Brief Introduction of Speaker:

Peter ten Dijke received his Ph.D. degree in 1991 from Wageningen University,the Netherlands based on his research on the identification of the third isoform of TGFβ performed at Oncogene Science, Inc., New York, USA.  He did his postgraduate studies with Kohei Miyazono and Carl-Henrik Heldin at the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research (LICR), Uppsala, Sweden.  In 1994, he became group leader at LICR and in 1999 he moved to the Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.  In 2005 he moved to the Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands, and is currently a professor of molecular cell biology at Leiden University. His laboratory studies the molecular mechanisms by which TGFβ family members elicit their cellular effects via (co)receptors and intracellular SMAD effectors, and how subverted TGF family signaling is involved in cancer, vascular and bone diseases.
