2011.8.31 Wei-Jen Tang教授(美国芝加哥大学)学术报告


报告题目: Structural and Biochemical Analyses of Human Insulin Degrading Enzyme 
报告人:     Wei-Jen Tang, Ph.D.
                   Professor, Ben May Department for Cancer Research
                  The University of Chicago
主持人:    叶 升   教 授
时   间:    2011831日(星期三)下午四点
地   点:    医学院综合楼205报告厅

Brief Introduction of Speaker:  
Wei-Jen Tang received his B.S. from National University of Taiwan and Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. The research of his laboratory focuses on elucidating the molecular basis of cell communication. His current researches deal with the biology of bacterial adenylyl cyclase toxins, proteins that secreted by human bacterial pathogens.

Selected Papers: 
Drum CL, Yan SZ, Bard J, Shen YQ, Lu D, Soelaiman S, Grabarek Z, Bohm A and Tang WJ. (2002). Structural basis for the activation of anthrax adenylyl cyclase exotoxin by calmodulin. Nature 415:396-402
Shen YQ, Lee YS, Soelaiman S, Bergson P, Lu D, Chen A, Beckingham K, Grabarek Z, Mrksich M, Tang WJ. (2002). Physiological calcium concentrations regulate calmodulin binding and catalysis of adenylyl cyclase exotoxins. EMBO J. 21:6721-6732
Soelaiman S, Wei B, Bergson P, Lee YS, Shen Y, Mrksich M, Shoichet B, Tang WJ. (2003). Structure-based inhibitor discovery against anthrax adenylyl cyclase toxins from pathogenic bacteria that cause anthrax and whooping cough. J.Biol. Chem. 278:25990-25997
Shen YQ, Zhukovskaya NL, Zimmer MI, Soelaiman S, Wang CR, Gibbs CS, Tang WJ. (2004). Selective inhibition of anthrax edema factor by adefovir, a drug for chronic hepatitis B Virus infection. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101:3242-3247
Guo Q, Shen YQ, Zhukovskaya NL, Florian J and Tang WJ. (2004). Structural and kinetic analyses of the interaction of anthrax adenylyl cyclase toxin with reaction products, cAMP and Pyrophosphate. J. Biol. Chem. 279:29427-29435
Lee YS, Bergson P, He WS, Mrksich M and Tang WJ. (2004). Discovery of a small molecule that inhibits the interaction of anthrax edema factor with its cellular activator, calmodulin. Chem. & Biol. 11:1139-1146
Beeler JA, Yan SZ, Bykov S, Murza A, Asher S, Tang WJ. (2004). A stable C1b soluble protein and its regulation of soluble type 7 adenylyl cyclase: a prototype for soluble C1b model. Biochemistry 43(49):15463-15471.
Shen Y, Zhukovskaya NL, Guo Q, Florian J and Tang WJ. (2005). Calcium-independent calmodulin binding and two-metal-ion cataytic mechanism of anthrax edema factor. EMBO J. 24:929-941
Guo Q, Shen Y, Lee YS, Gibbs CS, Mrksich M and Tang WJ. (2005). Structural basis for the interaction of adenylyl cyclase toxin of Bordetella pertussis with calmodulin. EMBO J. 24:3190-3201
