2011.12.30 谢爱华教授(美国俄克拉何马州立大学)、黄巨洋教授(美国德州技术大学)学术报告


报告题目1Infrared Structural Biology of Proteins: Principles, Techniques, and Applications

报告人:Prof. Aihua Xie

              Department of Physics, OklahomaStateUniversity


Professor Aihua Xie received her BS in Physics from ZhejiangUniversity in 1981 and PhD in Physics and Biophysics from CarnegieMellowUniversity in 1987. After postdoctoral researcher and research assistant professor in University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA) with Hans Frauenfelder, and research scientist in Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, Dr. Xie joined the Physics Faculty of Oklahoma State University (OSU) in 1997. She is now a professor of Physics at OSU, Fellow of American Physical Society (since 2003), Chair of Division of Biological Physics of American Physical Society, and Vice Chair of Commission on Biological Physics of International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP).



报告题目2The Biophysics Aspect of Cell Membranes

报告人:Prof. Juyang Huang

              Department of Physics, TexasTechUniversity


Professor Juyang Huang received his BS in Physics from ZhejiangUniversity in 1981 and PhD in Physics from SUNY at Buffalo in 1987. He finished his postdoctoral training in Biophysics from CornellUniversity in 1991. After research associate and senior research associate in CornellUniversity,  Dr. Huang joined Department of Cell Physiology & Molecular Biophysics, Health Science Center, Texas Tech Universityin in 2008. He is now a professor of Physics at TexasTechUniversity, Member of the American Physical Society and Member of the American Chemical Society.

时 间: 20111230(星期五)14:30  
地 点: 医学院综合楼701会议室
