2012.4.13 周琪教授学术(中科院动物所)学术报告


报告题目:Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine
报告人:   周    琪  教授
主持人:   冯新华  教授
时   间:   2012年4月13日(星期五)下午4点

地   点:   医学院综合楼205报告厅

       中国科学院动物研究所研究员;计划生育生殖生物学国家重点实验室主任;国际转基因协会终身荣誉会员;国际干细胞组织(ISCF)中国代表。主要从事分化与去分化机制、体细胞重编程、干细胞可塑性和全能性及体细胞可塑性方面的研究,并致力于开展动物模型及疾病模型的建立及研究工作,从而推动基础研究在再生医学领域的应用。现已在NatureSciencePNAS JBC Stem cellsCell Research等数家刊物发表研究论文60余篇,申请、获得重编程技术发明专利5项;先后获得国际转基因研究genOway奖、何梁何利基金科学与技术奖、周光召基金会杰出青年基础科学奖等多项奖励。

Stem Cell, with its property of unlimited proliferation and fully developmental potential, has become important cell resource in regenerative medicine research. For most research focus on embryonic stem cells, the ethical issue has been an obstacle for its application. Induced pluripotent stem cell (iPS cell) has been the hotspot of stem cell research since it was invented in 2006. Up to now, ES cells and iPS cells have been successfully derived from mice, human, monkeys, rats and pigs and have been differentiated into many tissue specific cells. Within these years, several progresses in stem cell research field have been achieved: the demonstration of pluripotency of iPS cells, the generation of iPS cells by recombinant proteins and the identification of pluripotency marker of stem cells. Moreover, the success of direct reprogramming of somatic cells into multipotent stem cells expands the cell resource which is important in application field of stem cells. These achievements will bring a more promising future of stem cell in both basic research and regenerative medicine.

