2012.5.24 朱冰研究员(NIBS)学术报告


报告题目:Mitotic Inheritance of Epigenetic Information
报告人:   朱冰 博士
主持人:  冯新华 教 授
时   间:  2012年5月24日(星期四)下午4点

地  点:   医学院综合楼307室 

表观遗传学的生物化学机理。主要研究表型遗传学(Epigenetics)的生物化学机理。各种不同的体细胞均具有同一基因组,然而却各自表达不同类的基因。染色质(chromatin)的各种共价修饰,如组蛋白修饰(histone modifications)和DNA甲基化修饰,对基因表达的表型遗传学调控起着重要作用。染色质修饰的多样性以及对这些修饰的识别为细胞提供了一套遗传信息的检索系统。
1). 共转录染色质修饰 (Co-transcriptional chromatin modifications):对H2B单泛素化及其下游H3赖氨酸甲基化的分子机制和生物学意义进行研究。2).细胞自我识别(identity)有关的染色质修饰:细胞能够进行自我识别,以表达相应的基因,并做出自我保持(self-renew)或分化(differentiation)的选择。
DNA is unarguably the carrier of genetic information. However, DNA sequence alone cannot explain how hundreds of cell types in a complex multi-cellular organism, such as a human individual can possess distinct transcription programs, while sharing the same genetic information. This is believed to be achieved by fine-tuning our genetic information with a so-called “epigenetic” system. To fulfill the two basic tasks challenging the multi-cellular organisms, epigenetic system must simultaneously offer dual characteristics, “Plasticity & Inheritability”. Plasticity allows the transformation of one genome into hundreds of epigenomes and transcriptomes, whereas inheritability permits the maintenance of every single epigenome and its corresponding transcriptome.
Several histone modifications have been shown to be critical in classic epigenetic phenomena, including Position effect variegation, Polycomb silencing and dosage compensation. However, how newly deposited histones acquire these modifications during/after DNA replication remains unclear. We attempt to address this important question using combinatory approaches by integrating biochemistry, quantitative mass spectrometry and high-throughput sequencing. In this seminar, I will highlight some of our recent progresses along this direction.
