2012.7.10 李劲松教授(中科院生化所)学术报告



报告人:   李劲松  博士




主持人:  范衡宇 教授

   间:  2012710日(星期二)下午4

地   点:  医学院综合楼205报告厅 



      李劲松教授在细胞重编程与胚胎发育等研究方面工作杰出,成果斐然,其学术研究论文均发表在国际一流的学术期刊杂志,如Cell, Nature, Cell Stem Cell, PNAS, EMBO Rep. etc.

 Selected Publications

1.Hui Yang#, Linyu Shi#, Bangan Wang#,Dan Liang, Cuiqing Zhong, Wei Liu, Yongzhan Nie, Jie Liu, Jing Zhao, Xiang Gao, Dangsheng Li, Guoliang Xu*, Jinsong Li*. Generation of Genetically Modified Mice by Oocyte Injection of Androgenetic Haploid Embryonic Stem Cells. Cell. (2012)149,605-617.
 2.Gu TP#, Guo F#, Yang H#, Wu HP, Xu GF, Liu W, Xie ZG, Shi L, He X, Jin SG, Iqbal K, Shi YG, Deng Z, Szabo PE, Pfeifer GP, Li Jinsong*   & Xu GL*. The role of Tet3 DNA dioxygenase in epigenetic reprogramming by oocytes. Nature (2011)477,606-610. (#: Co-first authors; *: Correspondence authors)
3.Lin J, Shi L, Zhang M, Yang H, Qin Y, Zhang J, Gong D, Zhang X, Li D & Li Jinsong*. Defects in trophoblast cell lineage account for the impaired in vivo development of cloned embryos generated by somatic nuclear transfer. Cell Stem Cell 2011, 8: 371-375. (*: Correspondence author)
4.Li Jinsong, Ishii T, Feinstein P & Mombaerts P. Odorant receptor gene choice is reset by nuclear transfer from mouse olfactory sensory neurons. Nature 2004, 428: 393-398.


