2012.10.16 Heide Schatten教授(美国密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校)学术报告


报告题目:Diversity of meiotic spindle formation and imaging of centrosome structure at spindle poles of mammalian oocytes

报告人:   Dr. Heide Schatten
                 Associated Professor

                 University of Missouri-Columbia, USA 

主持人:  范衡宇  教授
时   间:  2012年10月16日(星期二)上午9:30
地   点:  医学院综合楼205报告厅

Research Focus of Dr. Schatten:

Cytoskeletal organization during reproduction
Fertilization, cell division and embryo development

Research Description
Schatten's research focuses on cytoskeletal structure and function in cells during reproduction, during aging, and in cancers of the reproductive systems including breast and prostate cancers. The goal of this research is to investigate regulation of normal cytoskeletal function and abnormalities that lead to dysfunction and/or disease. Schatten is most interested in microtubules and their organizing centers (centrosomes), which play a crucial role in the union of the maternal and paternal genome during fertilization and in the separation of the united genomes during cell division and cell differentiation. Schatten is also studying the effects of microgravity on calcium metabolism and cytoskeletal organization during fertilization in the space environment. This research is funded by NASA. Schatten's studies on aging and reproductive cancers are focused on cell-cycle specific phosphorylation of centrosomes. She has started to investigate the cascade of signal transduction events that will trigger centrosome protein phosphorylation.

