2012.10.18 Judith L.Campbell教授(美国加州理工学院)学术报告


报告题目:The DNA2 helicase/nuclease is linked to the Fanconi anemia pathway via interaction with FANCD2
报告人:   Judith L. Campbell Ph.D.
                Professor of Chemistry and Biology of Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Techonolgy
                B.A., 1965, Wellesley College 
                PhD. 1974 Havard University  
主持人:   黄 俊 教授
   间:   2012年10月18日(星期四)下午4:00 
   点:   医学院综合楼205报告厅  


Research Interests
Mechanisms and Regulation of DNA Replication and Repair. The Campbell Group studies DNA replication in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Their goal is to reproduce the assembly and activation of the replication fork at an origin of replication using purified proteins. Their work in preparation for achieving this goal has ranged from defining the structure and activity of chromosomal replication origins, to the discovery of replicative enzymes, verification of their in vivo roles using yeast genetics, and the detailed characterization of their enzymatic mechanisms.  

Selected Publications
1. Nimonkar AV, Genschel J, Kinoshita E, Polaczek P, Campbell JL, Wyman C, Modrich P, Kowalczykowski SC.BLM-DNA2-RPA-MRN and EXO1-BLM-RPA-MRN constitute two DNA end resection machineries for human DNA break repair. Genes Dev. 2011
2. Campbell JL. DNA replication: changing faces, trading places. Nat Chem Biol. 2010
3. Cejka P, Cannavo E, Polaczek P, Masuda-Sasa T, Pokharel S, Campbell JL, Kowalczykowski SC. DNA end resction by Dna2-Sgs1-RPA and its stimulation by Top3-Rim1 and Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2.2010
4. Boronat S, Campbell JL. Mitotic Cdc6 stabilizes anaphase-promoting complex substrates by a partially Cdc28-independent mechanism, and this stabilization is suppressed by deletion of Cdc55.Mol Cell Biol. 2007
5. Budd ME, Tong AH, Polaczek P, Peng X, Boone C, Campbell JL. A network of multi-tasking proteins at the DNA replication fork preserves genome stability. PLoS Genet. 2005
6. Imamura O, Campbell JL. The human Bloom syndrome gene suppresses the DNA replication and repair defects of yeast dna2 mutants. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003
