报告题目:Self-renewable Germ Layer-specific Stem Cells:
Intermediates between Human Pluripotent Stem Cells and Differentiated Cell Lineages
报告人: Xin Cheng, Ph.D.
Research Associate, University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine and Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
主持人: 冯新华 教授
时 间: 2012年12月7日(星期五)下午4点
地 点: 医学院综合楼205报告厅
The use of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) is hampered by tumor forming potential and limited ability to generate pure populations of differentiated cell types in vitro. To address these issues, it is desirable to generate more mature, self-renewable, intermediate stem cell populations from hPSCs. We established Endodermal Stem (EP) cell lines from hPSCs, which have unlimited self-renewal and are non-tumorigenic. Clonally derived EP cells differentiate into numerous endodermal lineages in vivo and in vitro, including mono-hormonal functional β-cells, hepatocytes and intestinal epithelia. EP cells represent a powerful tool to study endoderm specification and offer a safer source of endodermal derived tissues for transplantation therapies.