2013.11.28 Harold Erickson教授(美国杜克大学)学术报告


报告题目:Bacterial Tubulin Homolog FtsZ– Cytoskeleton and Motor all in one
报告人:Harold Erickson教授
主持人:叶升 教授
时   间:2013年11月28日(周四)下午4点
地   点:医学院综合楼205报告厅
Harold Erickson has run a research lab with NIH support since 1973. His research has covered the cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix, with an emphasis on protein biochemistry and structure. Cytoskeleton studies have focused on microtubules, especially their assembly and dynamic instability. In 1994 he switched his focus to FtsZ, the newly discovered bacterial tubulin homolog. Since then, his lab has discovered the straight and curved conformations of FtsZ protofilaments that now seem to be the source of the constriction force. He also invented fluorescence assays that let us follow the kinetics of assembly and turnover, used FRAP to demonstrate the rapid turnover in vitro, and perhaps most importantly, he reconstituted FtsZ rings in vitro and showed that both the assembly and constriction force were produced by FtsZ alone.    
