2018.5.31 颉伟研究员(清华大学)学术报告


报告题目:Conservation and Divergence of Chromatin Reprogramming in Early Development
报告人:颉  伟 研究员
主持人:沈  立 教授
时   间:2018年5月31日(周四)下午4点
地   点:纳米楼457报告厅






Upon fertilization, drastic chromatin reorganization occurs during early development. Deciphering the molecular events underlying this process is crucial for understanding both fundamental biology and in vitro fertilization. Previously, we have investigated chromatin reprogramming during mouse preimplantation development for chromatin accessibility, histone modifications, and 3D architecture. Recently, we also employed an improved ATAC-seq approach to investigate chromatin reprogramming of early human embryos. Comparison with that in mouse showed both conservation and divergence across species. These studies collectively unveiled highly dynamic and non-canonical chromatin regulation during maternal-to-zygotic transition and genome activation. I will discuss our recent progress along the line in understanding epigeneticinheritance and reprogramming in early animal development.
