2019.12.4 高斌教授(NIH)学术报告


报告题目:Interleukin-22, a Magic Potion for Epithelial Cell Repair from Bench to Patients

报告人:     教授 (NIH)



 点: 纳米楼457报告厅


Prof. Bin Gao obtained his Ph.D. in Norman Bethune University of Medical Sciences, China and M.D. in Wannan Medical College, China. He did postdoc research in the Lab. of Physiologic Studies, NIAAA, NIH and Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical College of Virginia. He is a Chief, Tenured Senior Investigator in the Laboratory of Liver Diseases (LLD), NIAAA, NIH.

Prof. Gao's research is mostly focusing on immunological aspects, molecular pathogenesis, and therapeutic targets of fatty liver diseases, liver cancer, and metabolic syndrome.


The liver has great ability to regenerate after loss of tissue or injury; however, severe liver disease is associated with impaired liver regeneration, leading to liver failure and mortality. In 2004, we discovered that interlukin-22 (IL-22) is a key survival and regenerative factor for hepatocytes. Later, we have also demonstrated that IL-22 also protects against epithelial cell injury in many other organs in addition to the liver, including the pancreas and kidneys.The action of IL-22 is mediated by binding to IL-10R2 and IL-22R1, and subsequently activating STAT3 (a survival signal for epithelial cells). IL-22 mainly targets epithelial cells and their stem cells due to the restricted expression of IL-22R1 on these cells without affecting immune cells. Several clinical trials are ongoing to test the therapeutic potential of IL-22 against organ damage by targeting epithelial cells. A phase IIb trial showed promising data on patients with moderate to severe alcoholic hepatitis. Therapeutic potential of IL-22 on other types of organinjury and diseases will be discussed.

