2019.12.18 Julie Ahringer教授(剑桥大学)学术报告


报告题目:Regulation of Gene Rxpression and Genome Organisation
报告人:Julie Ahringer 教授
赵   斌 教授
时   间:20191218日(周三)下午4点
地   点:纳米楼457报告厅

Prof. Julie Ahringer obtained her Ph.D. in Biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin. She is the Director and a Senior Group Leader of the Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge.

Prof. Julie Ahringer is a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, a member of EMBO, and received the Francis Crick lecture prize of the Royal Society.

Prof. Julie Ahringer's group investigates the regulation of gene expression and chromatin architecture in development using molecular genetic and high-throughput genomic approaches. She pioneered genome-wide RNAi screening, carrying out the first systematic inactivation of genes in any animal by creating the widely-used C. elegans RNAi feeding library.

