2023.4.9 江涤博士(Science)学术报告


报告题目:Publishing in Science: An Inside Look
报告人:江   涤  博士
主持人:冯新华 教授
时   间:2023年4月9日(周日)下午3点
地   点:纳米楼457报告厅

Dr. Di Jiang went to Beijing Medical University (now PKUHSC), and then St. Mary’s College of Maryland, where he obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree. He has a PhD in Genetics from the George Washington University. He studied molecular biology and immune system development in NIAID, NIH for his PhD thesis. He studied developmental genetics in NICHD, NIH and UCSB as a post-doctoral researcher. Di was a principal investigator in the Sars Center at University of Bergen, Norway, where his group studied cell biology of morphogenesis. From 2015-16, he was an editor at Cell Research in Shanghai. From 2017-2020, he edited for PLOS Biology in San Francisco. Currently he is a senior editor at Science editing papers in molecular biology, synthetic biology, biotechnology development. 

江涤博士就读于北京医科大学(现北京大学医学院),美国马里兰州圣玛丽学院硕士,美国乔治华盛顿大学博士。曾受聘担任《Cell Research》杂志学术编辑、《PLoS Biology》杂志编辑,负责约稿及稿件审理等工作。现为 《Science》资深编辑,主要负责领域为分子生物学、DNA生物学、RNA生物学、核染色质生物学、合成生物学生物技术开发。
