2023.8.23 Vivek Malhotra教授(西班牙巴塞罗那基因组调控中心)学术报告


报告题目:TANGO1: A solution for collagen secretion, wound healing and tissue fibrosis
报告人:Vivek Malhotra 教授 
主持人:汪方炜 教授

时   间:2023年823日(周下午4
地   点:纳米楼457报告厅

Dr. Vivek Malhotra is one of world’s leaders on protein secretion and cellular compartmentation. He is currently Chair of the Cell Biology program in Centre de Regulació Genòmica (CRG), Barcelona, Spain.  

Dr. Vivek Malhotra's group studies membrane trafficking, focusing on (1) Mechanism of collagen secretion to address the issue of tissue fibrosis (collagenopathies), (2) Mechanism of Mucin secretion and the associated pathologies of COPD and cystic fibrosis, (3) The mechanism of unconventional protein secretion, (4) The shape and the biogenesis of functional Golgi cisternae, and (5) The biogenesis of transport carriers at the Golgi cisternae.

Abstract :

How cells assemble the glue or the extracellular matrix (ECM) that binds cells to form skin, tissues of the specific form, and bones. In order to address these lofty objectives, we first need to understand the mechanism by which cells secrete ECM components like the collagens. The problem is that they are too bulky for secretion by the conventional vesicular transport pathway. Our discovery of TANGO1, a ubiquitously expressed, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) exit site resident, transmembrane protein has made the pathway of collagen secretion amenable to molecular analyses. Surprisingly, the export of collagens is not by vesicles but instead by transient tunnels. This allows rapid transport of collagen from the lumen of ER to the next compartment of the secretory pathway. TANGO1 is genetically mutated in patients with collagenopathies and we can now target TANGO1 to control collagen hyper secretion dependent scarring and tissue fibrosis. Our findings are helping in understanding the mechanism by which cells secrete the right quantity and quality of ECM components to make tissues and bones.
