Qi Zhou, Ph.D.

Professor, Principle Investigator


1999-2003 Bachelor Degree in Biology, Nanjing University

2003-2008 PhD in Genetics, Advisor: Wen Wang, Kunming Institute of Zoology (KIZ), Chinese Academy of Sciences

2008-2009 Research Assistant at KIZ, Project Manager at Beijing Genomic Institute

2009-2015 Postdoc Scholar, Associate Specialist, Advisor: Doris Bachtrog, University of California, Berkeley


2015 DeLill Nasser Travel Award for Professional Development in Genetics

2015 Genome 10K Conference Fellowship

2014 Okinawa Winter Workshop ‘Evolution of Complex Systems’ Fellowship

2012 Annual Chinese National Scientific Award, the Second Class, Third Awardee (First Class Vacant)

2008 Annual Excellent PhD Thesis Award in Chinese Academy of Science

2007 ‘Di Ao’ Fellowship

Conference & Talks

2015 Vienna, Annual Conference of Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution: symposium organizer, oral presentation

2015 Kobe, CDB RIKEN ’Time in Development’ oral presentation

2014 Okinawa, OIST Winter Workshop ‘Evolution of Complex Systems’ oral presentation

2013 San Diego, Plant & Animal Genome Conference oral presentation

2012 Shenzhen, AYRCOB Meeting oral presentation

2012 Dublin, Annual Conference of Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution, poster presentation

2011 San Diego, Drosophila Conference, poster presentation

2008 Barcelona, Annual Conference of Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution, oral presentation

2007 Halifax, Annual Conference of Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution, poster presentation

2006 Tempe, Annual Conference of Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution, oral presentation