报告题目:Cross-talk between the MAPK Cascade and TGF-beta Pathway in T Helper Cell Differentiation
报告人: Bing Su, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Immunobiology
Yale School of Medicine and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
主持人: 冯新华 教授
时 间: 2011年3月4日(星期五)下午2点
地 点: 医学院综合楼205报告厅
Brief Introduction of Speaker:
Dr. Bing Su received his B.S. from Peking University in 1984, M.P.H. (1987) and Ph.D. (1991) from Yale University,USA. Dr. Bing Su’s research in his laboratory focuses on the biology of signal transduction mediated by the intracellular protein kinase network such as the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades and the mammalian target of rapamycine (mTOR) pathway in immune response and in blood vessel function or development. His studies have revealed the roles of these kinase pathways in transducing various receptor signals and in regulating cell growth, differentiation, and apoptosis.Dr. Bing Su’s works have been published in Nature ,Cell, Mol. Cell, Genes Dev, PNAS, and Nature Immunology etc.
2011.3.4 Bing Su教授(美国耶鲁大学)学术报告
时间:2011年02月28日 访问次数:1515
Selected Publications
1. Jacinto E, Facchinetti V, Liu D, Soto N, Wei S, Jung SY, Huang Q, Qin J, Su B. (2006).SIN1/MIP1 maintains rictor-mTOR complex integrity and regulates Akt phosphorylation and substrate specificity. Cell. 127(1):125-37. 2006.
2. Cheng, J., et al. (2006). Mip1, an MEKK2 interacting protein, regulates MEKK2 dimerization and activation. Mol. Cell. Biol. 25(14):5955-5964.
3. Zhang, D., et al. (2006). Identification of MEKK2/3 serine phosphorylation site targeted by the Toll-like receptor- and stress-pathways. EMBO J. 25:97-107.
4. Roberto Lande, Josh Gregorio, Valeria Facchinetti, Bithi Chatterjee, Yi-Hong Wang, Bernhard Homey, Wei Cao, Su B., Frank Nestle, Tomasz Zal, Ira Mellman, Jens-Michael Schroder, Yong-Jun Liu & Michel Gilliet. (2007). Human-DNA activates plasmacytoid dendritic cells upon complex formation with an anti-microbial peptide. Nature, 449:564-9, 2007.
5. Valeria Facchinetti, Weiming Ouyang, Hua Wei, Nelyn Soto, Adam Lazorchak, Christine Gould, Carolyn Lowry, Alexandra C. Newton, Yuxin Mao, Robert Q. (2008). Miao, William C. Sessa, Jun Qin, Pumin Zhang, Su B, and Estela Jacinto. The mammalian target of rapamycin complex 2 controls folding and stability of Akt and protein kinase C. EMBO J. 27(14):1932-43, 2008.
6. Xiaofang Wang, Yongliang Zhang, Valeria Facchinetti, Yuan Zhuang, and Su B. (2009).MEKK3 Is Essential for Lymphopenia-Induced T cell Proliferation and Survival. J. Immunol. 182(6) : 3597-3608, 2009.
7. Yamazaki K, Gohda J, Kanayama A, Miyamoto Y, Sakurai H, Yamamoto M, Akira S, Hayashi H, Su B, Inoue J. (2009).Two mechanistically and temporally distinct NF-kappaB activation pathways in IL-1 signaling. Sci. Signal. 2009, 2(93): ra66.
8. Adam S Lazorchak, Dou Liu, Valeria Facchinetti, Annarita Di Lorenzo, William C Sessa, David G Schatz & Su B. (2010).Sin1 suppresses rag1/2 and il7r gene expression through Akt2 in B cells. Mol. Cell. 2010.