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  • Identify and functionally elucidate the important and/or novel protein post-translational modifications (PTMs) in human health and diseases: protein posttranslational modifications (PTMs) refer to the breaking or generation of covalent bonds on the backbones or amino acid side chains of proteins and expand the diversity of proteins, which provides the basis for the emergence of organismal complexity. We aim to identify novel unknown PTMs and elucidate the functional consequence of critical PTM in proteins. 

  • Cellular signal transduction in tumor development and immunity: metastatic disease is largely incurable because of its systemic nature and the resistance of disseminated tumor cells to existing therapeutic agents. To colonize distant organs, circulating tumor cells must overcome many obstacles, including surviving in circulation, infiltrating distant tissues, evading immune defenses, adapting to supportive niches, surviving as latent tumor-initiating seeds and eventually breaking out to replace the host tissue. Metastasis is a highly inefficient process and the mechanisms are poorly understood. Mutiple cellular signaling are involved in all these metastatic processes. We are searching for mechanisms of metastasis and the therapeutic methods of preventing it from occurence. 

  • Exosome in human health and diseases: exosome are cell-derived vesicles that are present in many and perhaps all eukaryotic fluids, including blood, urine, and cultured medium of cell cultures. The reported diameter of exosomes is between 50 and 150 nm. Exosomes are either released from the cell whenmutivesicular bodies fuse with the plasma membrane or released directly from the plasma membrane. Evidence is accumulating that exosomes have specialized functions and play a key role in processes such as coagulation, intercellular signaling, and waste management. Cancer exosome secreated from tumor initiating cell, circulating tuomr cells, mediate cancer progression. Thus exosomes can potentially be used for prognosis, for therapy, and as biomarkers for health and disease. We are working on exosome and looking for new technology, new understanding and new application of exosome.  

2025 highlight: 

(1) Targeting Foxm1 to limit cancer growth and metastasis (Nature) 
Identifying phase-separated structures remains challenging, and effective intervention methods are currently lacking. Here we screened for phase-separated proteins in breast tumour cells and identified forkhead (FKH) box protein M1 (FOXM1) as the most prominent candidate. Oncogenic FOXM1 underwent liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS) with FKH consensus DNA element, and compartmentalized the transcription apparatus in the nucleus, thereby sustaining chromatin accessibility and super-enhancer landscapes crucial for tumour metastatic outgrowth. Screening an epigenetics compound library identified AMPK agonists as suppressors of FOXM1 condensation. AMPK phosphorylated FOXM1 in the intrinsically disordered region (IDR), perturbing condensates, reducing oncogenic transcription, accumulating double-stranded DNA to stimulate innate immune responses, and endowing discrete FOXM1 with the ability to activate immunogenicity-related gene expressions. By developing a genetic code-expansion orthogonal system, we demonstrated that a phosphoryl moiety at a specific IDR1 site causes electrostatic repulsion, thereby abolishing FOXM1 LLPS and aggregation. A peptide targeting IDR1 and carrying the AMPK-phosphorylated residue was designed to disrupt FOXM1 LLPS and was shown to inhibit tumour malignancy, rescue tumour immunogenicity and improve tumour immunotherapy. Together, these findings provide novel and in-depth insights on function and mechanism of FOXM1 and develop methodologies that hold promising implications in clinics.

(2) RIG-I activity control for cytosolic RNA-detection (Nature Cell Biology) 

2023-2024 highlight: 

(1) AARS1/2 are the pan-lactytranferases that inactviate cGAS (Nature) 

Lactate has been recently reported to modify proteins via lactylation but how this occurs is not clear. Here we identified AARS1 and AARS2 (AARS1/2) as intracellular L-lactate sensor, required for L-lactate to stimulate lysine lactylome in cells. AARS1/2 and the evolutionarily conserved E. coli ortholog AlaRS bind to L-lactate with a dissociation constant of 7.5-20 micromolar and they directly catalyze L-lactate for an ATP-dependent lactylation on lysine acceptor end. In response to L-lactate, AARS2 associates with cGAS and mediates its lactylation and inactivation in cells and mice. By establishing a genetic code expansion orthogonal system for lactyl-lysine incorporation, we demonstrated the presence of a lactyl moiety at specific cGAS N-terminal site abolishes cGAS LLPS and the DNA-sensing both in vitro and in vivo. Whereas the lactyl-mimetic knock-in inhibits cGAS, lactyl-resistant knock-in protects mice against the innate-immune evasion induced by high levels of L-lactate. MCT1 blockade inhibited cGAS lactylation in mice with anxiety-like behaviors, restored innate-immune surveillance and thus antagonized viral replication. These findings not only reveal that AARS1/2 is a conserved intracellular L-lactate sensor and has an essential role as lactyltransferase, but also uncover a chemical reaction process of lactylation that also targets and inactivates cGAS. 

2020-2022 highlight:   

(1) Deactylation by SIRT1 enables LLPS of IRF3/7 (Nature Immunology) 

Innate antiviral immunity deteriorates with aging but how this occurs is not entirely clear. Here we identified SIRT1-mediated DNA-binding domain (DBD) deacetylation as a critical step for IRF3/7 activation that is inhibited during aging. Viral-stimulated IRF3 underwent liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) with interferon (IFN)-stimulated response element DNA and compartmentalized IRF7 in the nucleus, thereby stimulating type I IFN (IFN-I) expression. SIRT1 deficiency resulted in IRF3/IRF7 hyperacetylation in the DBD, which inhibited LLPS and innate immunity, resulting in increased viral load and mortality in mice. By developing a genetic code expansion orthogonal system, we demonstrated the presence of an acetyl moiety at specific IRF3/IRF7 DBD site/s abolish IRF3/IRF7 LLPS and IFN-I induction. SIRT1 agonists rescued SIRT1 activity in aged mice, restored IFN signaling and thus antagonized viral replication. These findings not only identify a mechanism by which SIRT1 regulates IFN production by affecting IRF3/IRF7 LLPS, but also provide information on the drivers of innate immunosenescence.   

(2) MAVE deSUMOylation inhibits its aggregation and antagonizes IRF3 activation (Nature Structural & Molecular Biology) 

Mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein (MAVS) is an adapter that recruits and activates IRF3. However, the mechanisms underpinning the interplay between MAVS and IRF3 are largely unknown. Here we show that small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO)-specific protease 1 negatively regulates antiviral immunity by deSUMOylating MAVS. Upon virus infection, PIAS3-induced poly-SUMOylation promotes lysine 63-linked poly-ubiquitination and aggregation of MAVS. Notably, we observe that SUMO conjugation is required for MAVS to efficiently produce phase-separated droplets through association with a newly identified SUMO-interacting motif (SIM) in MAVS. We further identify a yet-unknown SIM in IRF3 that mediates its enrichment to the multivalent MAVS droplets. Conversely, IRF3 phosphorylation at crucial residues close to SIM rapidly disables SUMO-SIM interactions and releases activated IRF3 from MAVS. Our findings implicate SUMOylation in MAVS phase separation and suggest a thus far unknown regulatory process by which IRF3 can be efficiently recruited and released to facilitate timely activation of antiviral responses.   

(3) Targeting SARS-CoV-2 NP promotes innate immune activation by elevating MAVS activity (Nature Cell Biology) 

Patients with Coronavirus disease 2019 exhibit low expression of interferon-stimulated genes, contributing to a limited antiviral response. Uncovering the underlying mechanism of innate immune suppression and rescuing the innate antiviral response remain urgent issues in the current pandemic. Here we identified that the dimerization domain of the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein (SARS2-NP) is required for SARS2-NP to undergo liquid-liquid phase separation with RNA, which inhibits Lys63-linked poly-ubiquitination and aggregation of MAVS and thereby suppresses the innate antiviral immune response. Mice infected with an RNA virus carrying SARS2-NP exhibited reduced innate immunity, an increased viral load and high morbidity. Notably, we identified SARS2-NP acetylation at Lys375 by host acetyltransferase and reported frequently occurring acetylation-mimicking mutations of Lys375, all of which impaired SARS2-NP liquid-liquid phase separation with RNA. Importantly, a peptide targeting the dimerization domain was screened out to disrupt the SARS2-NP liquid-liquid phase separation and demonstrated to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication and rescue innate antiviral immunity both in vitro and in vivo. 

(4) TEV promote CD8+ T cell exhaustion viaTGF-beta type II receptor signaling (Nature Communications) 

Cancer immunotherapies have shown clinical success in various types of tumors but the patient response rate is low, particularly in breast cancer. Here we report that malignant breast cancer cells can transfer active TGF-β type II receptor (TβRII) via tumor-derived extracellular vesicles (TEV) and thereby stimulate TGF-β signaling in recipient cells. Up-take of extracellular vesicle-TβRII (EV-TβRII) in low-grade tumor cells initiates epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), thus reinforcing cancer stemness and increasing metastasis in intracardial xenograft and orthotopic transplantation models. EV-TβRII delivered as cargo to CD8+ T cells induces the activation of SMAD3 which we demonstrated to associate and cooperate with TCF1 transcription factor to impose CD8+ T cell exhaustion, resulting in failure of immunotherapy. The levels of TβRII+ circulating extracellular vesicles (crEV) appears to correlate with tumor burden, metastasis and patient survival, thereby serve as a non-invasive screening tool to detect malignant breast tumor stages. Thus, our findings not only identify a possible mechanism by which breast cancer cells can promote T cell exhaustion and dampen host anti-tumor immunity, but may also identify a target for immune therapy against the most devastating breast tumors. 

(5) USP8 promtes cancer progression and TEV-mediated T cell exhaustion (EMBO Journal) 

TGF-β signaling is a key player in tumor progression and immune evasion, and is associated with poor response to cancer immunotherapies. Here, we identified ubiquitin-specific peptidase 8 (USP8) as a metastasis enhancer and a highly active deubiquitinase in aggressive breast tumors. USP8 acts both as a cancer stemness-promoting factor and an activator of the TGF-β/SMAD signaling pathway. USP8 directly deubiquitinates and stabilizes the type II TGF-β receptor TβRII, leading to its increased expression in the plasma membrane and in tumor-derived extracellular vesicles (TEVs). Increased USP8 activity was observed in patients resistant to neoadjuvant chemotherapies. USP8 promotes TGF-β/SMAD-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), invasion, and metastasis in tumor cells. USP8 expression also enables TβRII+ circulating extracellular vesicles (crEVs) to induce T cell exhaustion and chemoimmunotherapy resistance. Pharmacological inhibition of USP8 antagonizes TGF-β/SMAD signaling, and reduces TβRII stability and the number of TβRII+ crEVs to prevent CD8+ T cell exhaustion and to reactivate anti-tumor immunity. Our findings not only reveal a novel mechanism whereby USP8 regulates the cancer microenvironment but also demonstrate the therapeutic advantages of engineering USP8 inhibitors to simultaneously suppress metastasis and improve the efficacy of cancer immunotherapy.

(6) Engineering Extracellular Vesicles Enriched with Palmitoylated ACE2 as COVID-19 Therapy  (Advanced Materials) 

Angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) is a key receptor present on cell surfaces that directly interacts with the viral spike (S) protein of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). It is proposed that inhibiting this interaction can be promising in treating COVID-19. Here, the presence of ACE2 in extracellular vesicles (EVs) is reported and the EV-ACE2 levels are determined by protein palmitoylation. The Cys141 and Cys498 residues on ACE2 are S-palmitoylated by zinc finger DHHC-Type Palmitoyltransferase 3 (ZDHHC3) and de-palmitoylated by acyl protein thioesterase 1 (LYPLA1), which is critical for the membrane-targeting of ACE2 and their EV secretion. Importantly, by fusing the S-palmitoylation-dependent plasma membrane (PM) targeting sequence with ACE2, EVs enriched with ACE2 on their surface (referred to as PM-ACE2-EVs) are engineered. It is shown that PM-ACE2-EVs can bind to the SARS-CoV-2 S-RBD with high affinity and block its interaction with cell surface ACE2 in vitro. PM-ACE2-EVs show neutralization potency against pseudotyped and authentic SARS-CoV-2 in human ACE2 (hACE2) transgenic mice, efficiently block viral load of authentic SARS-CoV-2, and thus protect host against SARS-CoV-2-induced lung inflammation. The study provides an efficient engineering protocol for constructing a promising, novel biomaterial for application in prophylactic and therapeutic treatments against COVID-19.

2019 highlight: (1) OTUB2 promotes cancer metastasis via Hippo independent activation of YAP and TAZ  (Molecular Cell)  

The transcriptional regulators YAP and TAZ play important roles in development, physiology and tumorigenesis and are negatively controlled by the Hippo pathway. It is yet unknown why the YAP/ TAZ proteins are frequently activated in human malignancies in which the Hippo pathway is still active. Here, by a gain-of-function cancer metastasis screen we discovered OTUB2 as a cancer stemness and metastasis-promoting factor that deubiquitinates and activates YAP/TAZ. We found OTUB2 to be poly-SUMOylated on Lysine 233 and this SUMOylation enables it to bind YAP/TAZ. We also identified an as yet unknown SUMO-interacting motif (SIM) in YAP and TAZ required for their association with SUMOylated OTUB2. Importantly, EGF and oncogenic KRAS induce OTUB2 poly-SUMOylation and thereby activating YAP/TAZ. Our results establish OTUB2 as an essential modulator of YAP/TAZ and also reveal a novel mechanism via which YAP/TAZ activity is induced by oncogenic KRAS. 

(2) FAF1 regulates the function of MAVS complex (Cell Host & Microbe
Mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein (MAVS) is an adaptor of the innate immune receptor retinoic acid-inducible gene 1 (RIG-I) that links recognition of viral RNA to antiviral signaling. Upon interacting with RIG-I, MAVS undergoes lysine 63-linked poly-ubiquitination by the E3 ligase TRIM31 and subsequently aggregates to activate downstream signaling effectors. We find that the scaffold protein FAF1 forms aggregates that negatively regulate MAVS. FAF1 antagonizes the poly-ubiquitination and aggregation of MAVS by competing with TRIM31 for MAVS association. FAF1 knockout mice are more resistant to RNA virus infection, and FAF1 deficiency in myeloid cells results in enhanced innate signaling and reduced viral load and morbidity in vivo. Upon virus infection, the kinase IKKɛ directly phosphorylates FAF1 at Ser556 and triggers FAF1 de-aggregation. Moreover, Ser556 phosphorylation promotes FAF1 lysosomal degradation, consequently relieving FAF1-dependent suppression of MAVS. These findings establish FAF1 as a modulator of MAVS and uncover mechanisms that regulate FAF1 to insure timely activation of antiviral defense.

2018 highlight: (1) Cancer exosome regulate host immunity (Nature Immunology)  

Malignancies can compromise innate immunity, but the mechanisms of this are largely unknown. Here we found that, via tumor-derived exosomes (TEXs), cancers were able to transfer activated epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) to host macrophages and thereby suppress innate antiviral immunity. Screening of the human kinome identified the kinase MEKK2 in macrophages as an effector of TEX-delivered EGFR that negatively regulated the antiviral immune response. In the context of experimental tumor implantation, MEKK2-deficient mice were more resistant to viral infection than were wild-type mice. Injection of TEXs into mice reduced innate immunity, increased viral load and increased morbidity in an EGFR- and MEKK2-dependent manner. MEKK2 phosphorylated IRF3, a transcription factor crucial for the production of type I interferons; this triggered poly-ubiquitination of IRF3 and blocked its dimerization, translocation to the nucleus and transcriptional activity after viral infection. These findings identify a mechanism by which cancer cells can dampen host innate immunity and potentially cause patients with cancer to become immunocompromised.

(2) Breast cancer metastasis suppressor OTUD1 deubiquitinates SMAD7 (Nature Communications) 

Metastasis is the main cause of death in cancer patients. TGF-β is pro-metastatic for malignant cancer cells. Here we report a loss-of-function screen in mice with metastasis as readout and identify OTUD1 as a metastasis-repressing factor. OTUD1 silenced cancer cells show mesenchymal and stem-cell-like characteristics. Further investigation reveal that OTUD1 directly deubiquitinates the TGF-β pathway inhibitor SMAD7 and prevents its degradation. Moreover, OTUD1 cleaves Lysine 33-linked poly-ubiquitin chains of SMAD7 Lysine 220, which exposes its PY motif to allow for SMURF2 binding and their capacity of promoting cell surface TβRI turnover. Importantly, OTUD1 is lost in multiple types of human cancers and loss of OTUD1 increases metastasis in intracardial xenograft and orthotopic transplantation models, and correlates with poor prognosis among breast cancer patients. High level of OTUD1 inhibits cancer stemness and shuts off metastasis. Thus, OTUD1 represses breast cancer metastasis by mitigating TGF-β-induced pro-oncogenic responses via deubiquitinating SMAD7.

2017 highlight: (1) YAP antagonizes innate antiviral immunity and is targeted for lysosomal degradation through IKKe-mediated phosphorylation (Nature Immunology

The transcription regulator YAP controls organ size by regulating cell growth, proliferation and apoptosis. However, whether YAP has a role in innate antiviral immunity is largely unknown. Here we found that YAP negatively regulated an antiviral immune response. YAP deficiency resulted in enhanced innate immunity, a diminished viral load, and morbidity in vivo. YAP blocked dimerization of the transcription factor IRF3 and impeded translocation of IRF3 to the nucleus after viral infection. Notably, virus-activated kinase IKKɛ phosphorylated YAP at Ser403 and thereby triggered degradation of YAP in lysosomes and, consequently, relief of YAP-mediated inhibition of the cellular antiviral response. These findings not only establish YAP as a modulator of the activation of IRF3 but also identify a previously unknown regulatory mechanism independent of the kinases Hippo and LATS via which YAP is controlled by the innate immune pathway.  

(2) USP4 inhibits SMAD4 monoubiquitination and promotes activin and BMP signaling (EMBO Journal
SMAD4 is a common intracellular effector for TGF-β family cytokines, but the mechanism by which its activity is dynamically regulated is unclear. We demonstrated that ubiquitin-specific protease (USP) 4 strongly induces activin/BMP signaling by removing the inhibitory monoubiquitination from SMAD4. This modification was triggered by the recruitment of the E3 ligase, SMURF2, to SMAD4 following ligand-induced regulatory (R)-SMAD-SMAD4 complex formation. Whereas the interaction of the negative regulator c-SKI inhibits SMAD4 monoubiquitination, the ligand stimulates the recruitment of SMURF2 to the c-SKI-SMAD2 complex and triggers c-SKI ubiquitination and degradation. Thus, SMURF2 has a role in termination and initiation of TGF-β family signaling. An increase in monoubiquitinated SMAD4 in USP4-depleted mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) decreased both the BMP- and activin-induced changes in the embryonic stem cell fate. USP4 sustained SMAD4 activity during activin- and BMP-mediated morphogenic events in early zebrafish embryos. Moreover, zebrafish depleted of USP4 exhibited defective cell migration and slower coordinated cell movement known as epiboly, both of which could be rescued by SMAD4. Therefore, USP4 is a critical determinant of SMAD4 activity.

2016 highlight: Loss of FAF1 accumulates TβRII for metastasis  (Nature Communications)  

We found FAF1 destabilizes TβRII on the cell surface by recruiting VCP/E3 ligase complex thereby limiting excessive TGF-β response. The activated AKT directly phosphorylates FAF1 at Ser 582 then disrupts the FAF1-VCP complex and reduces FAF1 at the plasma membrane. The latter results in an increase in TβRII at the cell surface that promotes both TGF-β-induced SMAD and non-SMAD signaling. We uncover metastasis suppressing role for FAF1 through analyses of FAF1-knockout animals, various in vitro and in vivo models of epithelial to mesenchymal transition and metastasis, an MMTV-PyMT transgenic model of mammary tumor progression and clinical breast cancer samples. These findings uncover a previously uncharacterized mechanism by which TβRII is tightly controlled. Importantly, we reveal how SMAD and AKT pathways interact to confer pro-oncogenic responses to TGF-β.

2015 highlight: c-Myb drives Wnt dependent metastasis (Cancer Research)
The molecular underpinnings of aggressive breast cancers remain mainly obscure. Here we demonstrate that activation of the transcription factor c-Myb is required for the pro-metastatic character of basal breast cancers. An analysis of breast cancer patients led us to identify c-Myb as an activator of Wnt/β-catenin signaling. c-Myb interacted with the intracellular Wnt effector β-catenin and co-activated the Wnt/β-catenin target genes Cyclin D1 and Axin2. Moreover, c-Myb controlled metastasis in an Axin2 dependent manner. Expression microarray analyses revealed a positive association between Axin2 and c-Myb, a target of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1β that was found to be required for IL-1β-induced breast cancer cell invasion. Overall, our results identified c-Myb as a promoter of breast cancer invasion and metastasis through its ability to activate Wnt/β-catenin/Axin2 signaling. 

2014 highlight: Nuclear receptor NR4A1 promotes breast cancer invasion and metastasis by activating TGF-β signalling (Nature Communications)
In advanced cancers, the TGF-β pathway acts as an oncogenic factor and is considered to be a therapeutic target. Here using a genome-wide cDNA screen, we identify nuclear receptor NR4A1 as a strong activator of TGF-β signalling. NR4A1 promotes TGF-β/SMAD signalling by facilitating AXIN2–RNF12/ARKADIA-induced SMAD7 degradation. NR4A1 interacts with SMAD7 and AXIN2, and potently and directly induces AXIN2 expression. Whereas loss of NR4A1 inhibits TGF-β-induced epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and metastasis, slight NR4A1 ectopic expression stimulates metastasis in a TGF-β-dependent manner. Importantly, inflammatory cytokines potently induce NR4A1 expression, and potentiate TGF-β-mediated breast cancer cell migration, invasion and metastasis in vitro and in vivo. Notably, NR4A1 expression is elevated in breast cancer patients with high immune infiltration and its expression weakly correlates with phosphorylated SMAD2 levels, and is an indicator of poor prognosis. Our results uncover inflammation-induced NR4A1 as an important determinant for hyperactivation of pro-oncogenic TGF-β signalling in breast cancer.

2013 highlight: TRAF4 Promotes TGF-β Receptor Signaling and Drives Breast Cancer Metastasis (Molecular Cell)

TGF-β signaling is a therapeutic target in advanced cancers. We identified tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 4 (TRAF4) as a key component mediating pro-oncogenic TGF-β-induced SMAD and non-SMAD signaling. Upon TGF-β stimulation, TRAF4 is recruited to the active TGF-β receptor complex, where it antagonizes E3 ligase SMURF2 and facilitates the recruitment of deubiquitinase USP15 to the TGF-β type I receptor (TβRI). Both processes contribute to TβRI stabilization on the plasma membrane and thereby enhance TGF-β signaling. In addition, the TGF-β receptor-TRAF4 interaction triggers Lys 63-linked TRAF4 polyubiquitylation and subsequent activation of the TGF-β-activated kinase (TAK)1. TRAF4 is required for efficient TGF-β-induced migration, epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, and breast cancer metastasis. Elevated TRAF4 expression correlated with increased levels of phosphorylated SMAD2 and phosphorylated TAK1 as well as poor prognosis among breast cancer patients. Our results demonstrate that TRAF4 can regulate the TGF-β pathway and is a key determinant in breast cancer pathogenesis.

2012 highlight:USP4 is regulated by AKT phosphorylation and directly deubiquitylates TGF-β type I receptor (Nature Cell Biology)

The stability and membrane localization of the transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) type I receptor (TβRI) determines the levels of TGF-β signalling. TβRI is targeted for ubiquitylation-mediated degradation by the SMAD7-SMURF2 complex. We performed a genome-wide gain-of-function screen and identified ubiquitin-specific protease (USP) 4 as a strong inducer of TGF-β signalling. USP4 was found to directly interact with TβRI and act as a deubiquitylating enzyme, thereby controlling TβRI levels at the plasma membrane. Depletion of USP4 mitigates TGF-β-induced epithelial to mesenchymal transition and metastasis. Importantly, AKT (also known as protein kinase B), which has been associated with poor prognosis in breast cancer, directly associates with and phosphorylates USP4. AKT-mediated phosphorylation relocates nuclear USP4 to the cytoplasm and membrane and is required for maintaining its protein stability. Moreover, AKT-induced breast cancer cell migration was inhibited by USP4 depletion and TβRI kinase inhibition. Our results uncover USP4 as an important determinant for crosstalk between TGF-β and AKT signalling pathways. 

2011 highlightRNF12 controls embryonic stem cell fate by targeting SMAD7 for degradation (Molecular Cell
Smad7 is a potent antagonist of TGF-β family/Smad-mediated responses, but the regulation of Smad7 activity is not well understood. We identified the RING domain-containing E3 ligase RNF12 as a critical component of TGF-β signaling. Depletion of RNF12 dramatically reduced TGF-β/Smad-induced effects in mammalian cells, whereas ectopic expression of RNF12 strongly enhanced these responses. RNF12 specifically binds to Smad7 and induces its polyubiquitination and degradation. Smad7 levels were increased in RNF12-deficient mouse embryonic stem cells, resulting in mitigation of both BMP-mediated repression of neural induction and activin-induced anterior mesoderm formation. RNF12 also antagonized Smad7 during Nodal-dependent and BMP-dependent signaling and morphogenic events in early zebrafish embryos. The gastrulation defects induced by ectopic and depleted Smad7 were rescued in part by RNF12 gain and loss of function, respectively. These findings demonstrate that RNF12 plays a critical role in TGF-β family signaling.